Saturday, March 20, 2010

Poor, Pitiful Paisley

Some people think I am stupid or ridiculous for thinking of Paisley like my kid, but since I consider myself a pseudo-adult, she is my pseudo-child. We have gone through so much with this crazy 4 lb dog, and things got even worse last night. Let's start from the beginning and recap: she has a liver condition and has to take medication, has to be tested every 3-4 months, and even has had an ultrasound (which needs to be redone soon). She has separation anxiety in a bad way. She wakes me up 3-5 times a night (literally) because she sleeps all day and has a tiny bladder.
This brings us up to date this week. Thursday when I got home from school she threw up a couple of times and was just all around pitiful. You know she doesn't feel good when her huge ears are tucked so far back you can't tell how big they are. Then, she started having loose stools (I'm being polite), thankfully, outside. Jordan ended up having to sleep down on the couch with her so she could go in and out all night. She felt fine yesterday, until about 1 and then it all started back up. I ended up having to stay home with her all evening b/c she was so sick. I called the vet and they said if it continued I needed to take her to the Emergency Clinic. Having worked for a vet and knowing how ridiculously expensive that is, I decided that was the absolute last resort.
However, at about 10, she went and I thought I saw blood (sorry for the details). I kind of freaked out, but decided I wasn't 100% sure and she was playing and acting normal, so I would wait it out. Bad idea. 2:30 am rolls around and I get a stool sample (gross) and see there really is blood, so we pack up and go to the Emergency Clinic.
One vet + one vet tech + 3 dogs = a long wait at 3 am.
After the proposed $700 testing was widdled down to $400, we were ready to leave. Oh wait, that doesn't include the $75 worth of medications she has that I have to give 3 times a day (at different times of course, so really at 5 different times a day).
And that definitely doesn't include the trauma to Paisley or myself. Remembering that she's my kid, think of how it is when your kids are really really sick and you can't do anything to help them. Then add in them screaming/crying in a back room b/c the doc is poking them - - at 5:30am. I'm not a big cryer, but that just sent me over the edge.
We finally got to go home at about 6:00am and didn't get home until when I would normally be waking up for school. As soon as we got home it started storming like crazy! That kept us up another hour! So sad. My alarm went off at 7:30 b/c that was the time I was supposed to get up to go have breakfast with Jaime and Jill, my sister-in-laws, and have pedicures.
I really could have used some R&R after last night, but instead I slept until noon. I definitely got some practice in for being a real mom. Boo!
And even after all that, I still love her and feel so bad that she's sick, just like a mommy. So don't ever make fun of me for thinking she is a child, b/c she really sort of is one... At least until I have kids, and then she'll probably be a dog that is loved a whole heck of a lot.
Heating pads even make doggies feel better! So pitiful.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Man – I’m sorry your kid was sick. I tried to speed read your blog and I have come to the conclusion Paisley is a drunk. I don’t mean to judge or sound insensitive, but you may be hovering and driving the poor girl to the bottle. She’s living at home and has no job…sheesh…when will she learn? I noticed the heating pad…enabler.
Love you - see you at church