Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So Official

To help our patients remember appointments, and just to be super cool, a lot of us made business cards.  I spend 3+ hours going through looking for the perfect card.  You'd think it would be easy, but trust me, it isn't!  There are SOOOO many cute things out there, but as a healthcare provider, I want to look professional and not too cutesy-girlie.  This is what I came up with and I'm really excited about it!  The back of the card also has the green paisley, not just plain white.  A-dorable.

Also, as some of you may know, I started my Oral Surgery rotation this week.  So far I've extracted 4 teeth and given multiple injections.  Today I was at a clinic downtown, helping a senior extract a lady's 4 front teeth (which had all broken off down the the gumline, of course.  Ew.).  It's never good when the patient informs you she is a screamer... you just know the afternoon is going to be bad.  Of course, most humans don't really scream out in pain when in public, that's just embarrassing.  This lady was not kidding.  Poor David went to examine her, just to look in the mouth, and she jumped when he touched her.  Then came the injections.  Holy moly.  When I say she screamed, I mean she ssccreeeeeeammed!  It was so loud that our professor came in to see what was going on.  He proceeded to give her about 20+ injections (for real...) with her screaming and crying and shaking, all the while telling her to be quiet and as a grown woman she should not be acting like that.  All in all, a successful afternoon since we got the teeth out.  No wonder people hate dentists! 


Jaime said...

Cool! You can hand me a business card next time you see me. :-) It will be a cute addition in my wallet.

mimi47 said...

Love the card - looks just like something you would design! Sorry about the screaming lady though, however, having some work done recently on front teeth, I know how she felt (but I didn't scream like I wanted to :)