Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lost in Translation

Life just plain stinks right now, so to keep a little humor in our lives, my dental school friends and I try to find funny tid-bits to send each other. Unfortunately they usually come in the middle of class, and we laugh out loud, some even having to leave class. There's something about the fact that you're not supposed to be laughing, and trying to suppress the giggles that makes you giggle even harder. This is just a little taste of what we got last week. Thanks to my friend, Carly, and her "Lost in Translation" e-mail, we lived through another awful lecture by a woman who wears 80's sweaters and pleated pants who teaches us about wearing safety belts.

someone is very angry inside...

mmm.. coleslaw!


Jill said...

those are funny!

Jaime said...

hilarious...maybe I should try washing some things in cole slaw. It might be the secret laundry tip I have been looking for!