Lots of things have happened since I blogged last. My superhero best friend, Traci, had her 3rd baby, graduated from dental school, and moved back to Abilene, all in one week.
Meet James Edward King IV!
He's so precious and I only had 6 days with him before they moved... so sad!
Right after I was done with school, I immediately went into an Oral Surgery rotation. We were super busy, had some weirdo patients, and had lots of fun. Thankfully I was with a couple of my really good friends, so it worked out great. There are only a few people in life that can enjoy a good tooth pullin' with you! After 2 weeks in my rotation, I left for my parents' house. I was commissioned for a master bathroom re-model, but it turned out my dad had to go out of town, so I only painted a small half bath. I love painting, and I got to paint it chocolate brown, so I was happy.
Now I've been back for 1.5 weeks, and have done NOTHING. I literally have sat on the couch reading books. Vampire books of course, but still.... I've officially read 18 books since I got out for the summer 5 weeks ago. That may be a little extreme... but I'm enjoying myself, so that's all that matters.
While I've been reading, Paisley has been just laying around being all kinds of useless. She had tests run this week to see how her liver is doing since we've implemented our changes, and she got a good report! Yay!! However, the tests made her sick and the poor thing ended up at the vet for a second time this week. She needed her stuffed animal to make her feel better... ok, probably not, but it sure was cute!
Jordan and I also started Weight Watchers a few weeks ago, and I've already lost 8lbs! The downside to this is that I haven't been able to bake anything yummy for the last month, which is so sad since I just started enjoying baking. We have friends coming over this week for game night and I just couldn't take it any more... so I baked an upside down pineapple cake. It's beeee-autiful!
And there you have it. That's what I've been up to for the last 5 weeks. I lead a very boring life, sorry!!