Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Painted Paisley


I don't know if my brilliant furniture-painting ideas/business will ever pan out, but I'm excited to try! 

I've had this coffee table in my garage since we got married and thought I probably should do something about it.  For some reason the stain on the coffee table turned out super cloudy when I did it 4 years ago, so I decided to paint the whole thing.  Another reason is because it's very large and bulky, so I thought soft creamy white with glazed details would be better.  I'm almost done with it, so I'll post my after pictures soon.

I just loved this pretty lil thing.  It was tucked away under some nasty light at Goodwill and I snatched it up for $9!  I'm taking it to my parents next weekend to rebuild the top, and after she's all cleaned up with crystal knobs she's going to be a beauty!!  I had thought about painting it something really fun, like turquoise, but I think I'm going to stick to black.  I don't know if I'm daring enough to paint one of my first pieces so bright... but I can be pursuaded otherwise if you are interested in it! 

I would really love to turn my love of painting and home decor into a side business, but we'll just have to wait and see.  I don't even know how to start going about getting my name out there.  I saw some other ladies selling furniture on Etsy, so I thought about that.  What do you think??


kara said...

my grandma gave me a really similiar little side table thing and i painted it turquoise and its really fun! all my other furniture is cream but the turquoise one adds a little color and its small so its not like its overwhelming. i say try turquoise!! :) cant wait to see the finished products.

Jill said...

I will pay you to paint two tables and a bookshelf that I already have. I can't stand painting, but love painted furniture! and, I think etsy would be a great way to start, or post some finished products on facebook.

sljtba said...

Do It. I have a couple of pieces I have been thinking about painting --- try it and let me know how it goes.

mimi47 said...

I loved painting all my old furniture and making it look totally different. It's fun and rewarding. Go for it and good luck!