Friday, April 23, 2010

wir gehen nach Deutschland!!

What does that mean? It means

We're going to Germany!!!

We've been keeping it a secret because we weren't sure, but tonight was our big night! We finally booked our plane tickets! How and why are we going there?

How... the most amazing family is stationed at Ramstein AFB and has offered to be our tour guides. Remember the junior bridesmaid in my wedding? Or the other ring bearer (besides Beck)? That's them! The Sims. I've written all about Sophie before and how much I love her. I am SOOOO excited to go and see her and the rest of the family!

Why... because we need to celebrate! This year has been the hardest of my entire life. School has just sucked the life right out of me and it doesn't end until after my National Boards part 1 are over. We're also celebrating Jordan's acceptance to UTSA for his Masters. And also because thanks to Obama (ha! yea right..) we got a pretty hefty tax return. Apparently my $140,000 dental education earns $2,000 in an 'education' tax credit. Thanks.... We are getting to have this amazing vacation for only a few bucks, and we decided we'll never get to have the opportunity like this again. We don't have to pay for a hotel or a rental car or train fair, so it would be a waste not to go. And of course all history teachers should see something historic!

So we're packing our bags and heading over the big blue ocean June 16-25. My tummy is a little uneasy... so nerve-racking! But so exciting!!!


James and Traci said...

That's so exciting. You both deserve it- I know about being worn out after second year! You guys are going to have an amazing time- I'll be the first to ask you to bring me something back :)

KMA said...

I am all about people enjoying life and seeing it in other parts of our world! This will be a wonderful experience for you both and certainly a much needed break! Congrats!!! I've been overseas on 5 trips in my life and I cannot tell you how much each one of them enriched me. Way to seize the opportunity! I have friends who live in Germany too -they have been there for 5yrs now b/c they LOVE it so much. They say wonderful things about the country.

mimi47 said...

What an amazing opportunity for you and Jordan! And how fortunate you are able to do this at a perfect time in your lives. You will make so many wonderful memories and see such beautiful, historic sights! We couldn't be more excited for you both!

Jill said...

(and jealous)
ha~ :)

Anonymous said...

I want chocolate!!!