Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Why yes, that is Paisley on the desk.
She wouldn't leave me alone because she wanted me to hold her, so we compromised. Ridiculous. But adorable (at least I think so).

Board Fact: the pain you feel in your side when running is usually pain in the liver from its blood vessels constricting. The brain is really bad at intepreting pain from organs, and it gets mixed up with the tissue that overlies that organ. This is also why people having heart attacks feel pain in their left arm.


Jill said...

so i can blame my liver for never running...i need to blame something besides my lazy bee-hiney :)

DiA said...

Paisley is so adorable!!
p/s : friends? you seem so nice and i'm just interested to get to know you. it is okay if you are not up to it :)