Friday, October 3, 2008

A few of my favorite things.

I put the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer first because I basically am obsessed. If you have not read these books yet, I strongly recommend them. I know they were written for teens, but I promise they are great for any age. I first heard about them from Traci, who made me read it. I read the first book within a couple of days and had finished the next 2 within the week. I had to wait 2 months for the last book to come out, and when it did, I got it at 12 am and had it finished by 8 pm the next night. Yes, they are that good. My mom, Jill, and Jaime can all be my witnesses!!

I love Smashbox make-up products. I was introduced to them when I went into Sephora to look for makeup for the wedding last December. It is a little expensive, but so worth it! My good friend, LuLu, gave me a set of lotion and bubble bath of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy- Lavender Vanilla - Sleep for my birthday and I LOVE it! I usually don't like lavender scents, but this stuff is great! I love putting it on before I go to bed, and Jordan loves it, too!
I actually just tried this last week, and it was amazing! Bertolli Chicken Parmesan and Penna frozen dinner for 2. It was perfect for Jordan and I! I had heard from a friend at school how good it was (after I had randomly bought it), but that there wasn't a lot of chicken, so I just added some more chicken to it. It cooks on the stove in 10 mins and is so delicious- I highly recommend it. There are several other flavors that I look forward to trying.

Jaime introduced me to Crystal Light on the Go, and now Jordan and I are hooked. I never drink enough water, so this is a great way to do that. I always take a water bottle to school, but I hated refilling it b/c the water fountains are nasty tasting. However, now I take one of these packets in my lunch and refill my water bottle and I can't taste the nasty fountain water. Perfect!

This is another make-up must-have. I have really oily skin, and by the end of the day, my T-zone is shiny. My aunt, Sonia, who also has oily skin, recommended Bare Minerals, and I love it. Most days I don't even wear my liquid foundation, which I used to never go without. I got the starter package, which also came with an amazing bronzer. It is not orange at all, which is really rare in bronzers.
And there you go. Just a few things I have come to love recently. I hope you will try one of them and find as much joy as I have!


Jill said...

ok...did you call me to come over last night? i hope not because i never heard the phone ring, and i don't want you to think i blew you off :)
we love those bertoli dinners too, but brody usually eats the whole thing himself.
i always think your makeup looks flawless, so maybe i should splurge and try the smashbox. i also might give the powder and lotion a whirl.
brody has started buying me the south beach mix-ins. they might be more expensive than crystal light...i don't know, but they have 5 grams of fiber!
and you know i loved the book series, too!
great list~

Jaime said...

I like your list. We enjoyed being over at your place last night and hope you didn't get too annoyed by an excited little boy. Your apartment is just so cute...and the new TV is awesome. I hope it won't distract you too much from your studies. :-)