Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank you Mother Nature, Thank you.

Have you guys ever seen that commercial for Playtex where the really cute girls get off the plane in Hawaii and then "Mother Nature" is standing there with one of the girls "gifts"? Well, I think the commercial is really funny, but also wrong. You see, sometimes, there are women, like myself, who happily receive their monthly "gift." I didn't really think about it until last night, but then I realized I was a few days late. Granted, to some people 2 days isn't a lot, but when a baby is one of the worse things that could happen at this point in your life, it's enough to freak you out. It got me thinking (and hyperventilating). I had not PMSed over the last week and had gone to the doctor and had gained a few pounds (apparently I'm just fat). Also, I was noticing how much I was enjoying kids lately. Not that I didn't before, but I mean, I was really loving being an aunt. I hadn't really been having these feelings before and I thought it was God helping me through dental school since babies are not an option, but all the sudden, I started seeing myself as a mom, and last night it hit me- what if now God was preparing me to be a mom!?!?! Wow, big deal. Freak Out. Breathe. Only 2 days. OK. I pushed it out of my mind last night and went to bed. I told myself to give it a week, then I would really freak out. This morning I woke up and nothing. I nervously got ready for school.... and as I was ironing my pants... cramps!!! I immediately checked things out, and thank you Mother Nature, thank you!!!!

1 comment:

Ben said...

guffaw: a loud or boisterous burst of laughter

That's me right now! LOL
-Ben Bailey