Saturday, January 10, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't blogged all week, but this is how my first week back to school went:
Sit in lecture for 4 hours straight.
Eat lunch (in the same seat in the lecture hall) for 1 hour.
Sit in lecture for 2-3 more hours.
Come home and whine about bad my day was.
That's it. For 5 straight days. Needless to say, it was a long, boring week and my bum hurts. We were supposed to get cushions for our seats over the break, but apparently they lied to us. Again. Monday morning I actually was pretty excited about the cushions, only to be crushed by the realization that once again UTHSCA did not come through. I also learned that I gained back all the weight I had lost before we left for Colorado... so Christmas was very mean to me this year. Now getting back in the groove is even worse. Why I can't I just eat what I want and be super skinny??
However, the week before I did make a few changes to our apartment:
This is the coffee table Traci gave us and I finally got around to painting it. I love it!

I finally got something for our chine to go on after a year. Please excuse our messy table.


James and Traci said...

I wish I could say that 2nd semester got better or that 2nd year got better- but sorry- I can't. Hang in there- bring a cushion and you'll do great! I love the coffee table by the way- you are so creative and such a good decorator.

Jaime said...

You are a very good decorator, Maegan. And...sorry about the boring days. I will try and get on FB some during the day so we can chat!