Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Week...

This week has been interesting to say the least. I am apparently domestically challenged. It started off Saturday night with a fun girls night. However, Sunday I woke up sick and spent all day in bed. These are my new favorite girls in the whole world: Lauren, Mary, and Katelyn. Lauren you all should know by now: my partner in crime in dental school among many other things. Mary is the wife of one of our classmates, and Katelyn went to high school with Lauren's husband, and her husband is in law school. I know, confusing- sorry.

Monday night I finally got the laundry out of the dryer that I had done on Sunday and started putting things away. Jordan and I decided one of his new sweaters was way too big and needed to be shrunk, but I think I messed up:
Tuesday night I decided to make homemade biscuits, so I went out into the freezing cold to get the ingredients from the store. I don't have a cookie cutter, so I had to make due:
I was really excited that I had successfully made biscuits, until I took them out of the oven and they were more like crackers. And then we took a bite and they were more like disgusting, something's-not-right-here crackers. Things I did wrong: 1) used all-purpose flour instead of self-rising, 2)used the flour Linda gave me when we moved in last year. Apparently flour goes bad....
Wednesday was almost a normal day... except we had a fire drill in the middle of one of my classes. Yes, a fire drill. We are at professional school, so I'm pretty sure we could make it out of the building, but who knows? We sat there for about 5 mins trying to decide if we really wanted to go outside. Thankfully it was just a drill, and everyone got out in 7 1/2 minutes. Lauren pointed this out in her blog, and it is very true: we are in a medical and dental building. If there is a fire, we would all die. The hallways are lined with refrigerators filled with gas and chemicals, nitrous oxide is being pumped into dental patients, and there are all sorts of natural gas lines running through our pre-clinical labs. I don't think 7 1/2 minutes would cut it.
Thursday? Could you be a good day?? No!! Of course not! Not after a Physiolgy exam that I couldn't even understand the questions, much less answer correctly. Maybe that's why my pre-challenge grade is a 65. Yes, my lowest test grade of date. The sad thing is, at this point in my dental school career... I don't even care. It was the most ridiculous test I've ever taken, and I just don't care.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention my weight. Oh yeah, that. 186.6- - crap. I have a sneaking suspision of how that happened. Maybe it's because of nights like tonight, where Jordan and I decide we want to eat out (which we are). Tomorrow baseball starts and I will never see him again, so we're going on our last date. Hibachi!!!


Jill said...

so sorry you had a rotten week. i have never even tried to make biscuits...i honestly think the kind in the can is just as good.
and did lose some weight...every ounce counts. enjoy your date and i hope next week is better!!

Renna said...

To be so smart, you are a little challenged in this area - ha. I tried to teach you the finer things in life but I guess you'd rather be sawing and hammering. Wonder where you get that from???Don't fret, you're learning as you go along. Besides, you can't be great at everything, can you?? Love MOM

Jaime said...

We missed you at the retreat this weekend! :-( Sorry about the rough week.

mimi47 said...

I recently had friends over and fixed biscuits. They raved about how good they were and wanted my recipe. My recipe - I bought them at the store, got them right out of the bag and baked them - they were frozen! Why go to all the trouble of making them from scratch when the frozen ones are so much better (and easier)? I've never been able to make fluffy, light biscuits from scratch and now I don't need to - Pillsbury does it for me!