Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Remember When...?

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom curled your hair because you were too young? I think all of us have experienced the dreaded mom-burn, where our moms told us to be still and we weren't, so somehow we ended up charred. I have had many of these burns in my day, mainly because you don't get hair like this without a lot of rollers and curling irons (Thank you 80's). It's bound to happen...
What you don't expect is to burn yourself as an adult. Maybe a little ouchy, but nothing too severe. Well, not me. Apparently my mad hand skills in dentistry do not transfer to being mad hair curling skills.
I found the exact thing I need! Whoever invented this is a GENIUS!! Who cares if it looks like elf ears gone wrong when your ears are safe from harms way!?

Let's just hope I have boys.

Speaking of which (no, not me... yikes)- - congratulations to Ben and Jaime on their little GIRL!! Hopefully Jaime will be much better at curling hair than I (or my mom) am!


Jaime said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that picture of you. So sorry about your burned ear. Looks ouchy. I am already nervous about girl hair. Our baby will probably be bald for the first year anyway. On a totally separate note I was unpacking our stuff here last night and I think your straw hat from the cruise was in the front pocket of our bag. Ha! I will get it back to you. Happy Turkey day!!

Jill said...

it looked even worse in person...not worse like ugly, but worse like OUCH!!
and your little girl picture is darling!!!

mimi47 said...

Yes, your sister-in-laws have some pictures of curly, curly hair too. We used sponge rollers to get "the look". Sorry about your burn. Looks really painful! :(