Tuesday, December 9, 2008


As you all know, Remi and Paisley are best friends. Remi comes and spends the night with us sometimes just so Paisley can play with her... ok, we love to play with her, too. Here are a few random pics of Paisley and Remi at our house.

Yes, when Remi spends the night with us, she sleeps in the bed with us. It's nice and cozy with the four of us in bed!

This is how they've always slept, ever since Paisley was a little baby.

This is Jordan trying to hold Remi still to take a picture.. and her looking at him like "why are you choking me?!?"

1 comment:

James and Traci said...

I love sleep- overs-- they're the best. Those two are such an odd part but they do look so cute together. We love you guys and really appreciate everything you do- like watching our precious Remi and taking care of her while we are out of town.