Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is my friend Lauren and her husband Jeffrey. Besides Traci, she is one of my closest friends and I am very thankful she and I are next to each other in the alphabet. We first met at the Welcome to the Profession Ceremony at school b/c her last name is Edwards and mine is Elam. Our conversation consisted of a lot of "me too!!'s" and went like this: "I went to school in Abilene -me too! I just got married -me too! I live in Signature Ridge -me too!" It was such a blessing to have so much in common with someone right off the bat; it made the first few days of dental school easier. We quickly found out that we had even more in common (like going on the exact same cruise 3 months apart) and most of our labs together. At first I was really intimidated by her b/c she was extremely studious and wore high heels every day (I hate high heels..it was very impressive). Now we know almost everything about each other b/c we spend more time with each other than anybody else. Maybe this has to do with the 8 hours a week we spend in Gross lab.. but I'm not sure.... Anyways, being a newlywed and in dental school can put a damper on that "honeymoon" stage really fast, and she is the one other person who completely understands. She knows how hard it is to balance studying and being a wife, which is why I am writing this blog about her. She, like most of us in dental school, is in need of some serious encouragement. Although I am not the "sensitive type," I do think my friends deserve to know how special they are to me.
Lauren, you are an awesome woman and I have really appreciated your firiendship this semester. You have listened to all my complaints and given me great advice in almost every area of my life. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and know we can get through the next 2 weeks. Hopefully next semester we'll actually hang out outside of school and maybe you'll learn to love Paisley... maybe. I've enjoyed all the giggles and laughs we've shared and telling secrets in the middle of class. Remember I am here for you if you need anything!

1 comment:

Lauren Edwards said...

What a sweet post! But great--now I'm crying little "joy tears" in the school library...how embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as not studying for the Cariology final until 15 hours before...