Monday, March 9, 2009

The many faces (or hairs...) of Maegan

This is a group exercise and EVERYONE must participate. I am having a hair crisis. I have no idea what to do with my hair. I've got a few options:

1. Cut it shorter
2. Keep it at this length and flip it out.
3. Keep it at this length and curl it under.
4. Grow it out a little longer (to my shoulders) and flip it out.
5. Grow it out a little longer and curl it under.
6. Grow it out long like it was at the wedding.
7. Dye it brown.

I have provided pictures of each stage to help you all out in case you haven't seen my hair before. You must, and I mean must!, respond in the comment box. I want to know what way you like my hair!! Even people who are just passing through are more than welcome to comment.

I would love to hear from as many people as possible. This will also give me a chance to see who all visits our blog!!


Laura said...

You look lovely with all these hairstyles, but my personal favorite is the top one!

Jaime said...

I think I like the top picture- short and flipped best. I don't think I knew you like that. Cute. But Beck says he likes your hair best in the one of you and me by the car. That is our two cents. :-) Good luck deciding. Hair decisions are toughys.

Jill said...

love the top one, and i LOVE you as a blonde. i think that top style was maybe close to how it looked when i had just had scarlett and we met you for the first time...well, now that i think of it, it was a little longer. i don't know if i ever knew you with it that short...but i think it's darling!

Ben said...


mimi47 said...

I really like your hair blond and I'm with the majority (except for Ben). I like the short style in the first picture. I got mine cut in a new style yesterday - it is scary to change but luckily it will eventually grow out!