Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stella, I will miss you.

I recently lost a wonderful woman in my life. One that has taught me many things. More like 500 things. 500 microscopic, hard-to-find, hard-to-name, looks-nothing-like-the-video-or-book things.

Yes, she was my group's perfect cadaver, Stella.

As other groups fought to find structures that were burried under inches of fat, our lovely, fat-free Stella had every structure right where they were supposed to be. This isn't to say we didn't have to search for 3 hours... but other groups had to search for 4 or 5. For the last 6 weeks, Lauren, Alexandra, James, Christian, and I have spent our Tuesday and Friday afternoons together with Stella, and now she's gone. Starting next Tuesday, we'll have a new body, which will probably be horrible. We had way too much luck with Stella, so we are doomed for the worst part of the course, head and neck. Friday we had a good-bye ceremony.. and even sang a little song. "So Long- Farewell- Until We Meet Again..." It was nice.

Ok, seriously. Gross Anatomy is so hard. I have a test on Tuesday and have spent 6+ hours studying everyday since last Wednesday. (Unfortunately, I'm not exaggerating) I did however, take half a day out yesterday (Saturday) to go watch my rockstar husband play guitar at our church's Family Retreat. Otherwise, I've been studying. So for the next few days, unless something extraordinary happens, I will still be studying. I hope you all have better things going on!

1 comment:

Jill said...

ugh! i wish you good luck!! i am sure all the studying you got in the back of the Pilot on the way to the retreat will definitely help you achieve that A!! :)