Thursday, May 14, 2009

Warning: the Contents of this Post may be Offensive to some Viewers (such as my mother-in-law)

A many of you know, I am smack dab in the middle of finals. Well, I'm on the tail end and only have one left, but still... I have been extrememly stressed out and a little crazy-eyed lately, not to mention frazzled. Last night before Jordan got home from -yet another- very very long day, I texted him to warn him. Warn him of what you ask? About the fact that our entire apartment has EXPLODED!! You would think our closets came alive and spit out our belongings. His response to my warning- "what happened?"

I told him the truth- "Me.... I happened...."

Because to be totally honest, most of the things you see are mine or of my doing. I did laundry, but put it on the guest bed. I brought home materials from my dental school drawers and laid them on the couch. I ate and didn't clean up after myself. Yes, it is my fault. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day of cleaning.


Jill said...

you crack me up. who cares what the place looks like right have finals to study for. worry about it tomorrow...that's my motto anyway.
i'm looking forward to our night out at the hyatt just as soon as you are finished!! :)

Ben said...

Your warning is what I think everythime I open my mouth around our mother-in-law. Brody on the other hand is clean, neat, quiet, tolerant, and doesn't like sweets. You and I need to stick together...